andy face-01.png

Copy of Andy the Apple - Campaign


Andy the Apple

Fall 2016  |  Tulsa, OK  |  Client: Talking is Teaching | Award: Silver Addy - Ambient Media Installations

Illustration and Design | In-Store Campaign

To help engage young underprivileged families in the Tulsa area, we engaged with them at 4 low-income grocery stores through Andy the Apple. We emphasized the importance to talk read and sing with their babies and toddlers every day! Working under Saxum Associate CD Jessica Robbins, I worked as a designer on the campaign. Full case study at!


Andy the Apple had been created for a campaign with Talking is Teaching the year prior. This year, the goal was to expand the world of Andy the Apple and have him prominent throughout each store. This led to new adventures (as well as outfits) for the character. (2).gif

Installation & Collateral